Category Archives: Angola

Visa Application and LUNCH!! – Day 4

So, today was gonna be the day of the BP Lunch, with the DD and BP guys at the Portuguese Embassy (AKA Dias Tavern)! 🙂 But first, I had to get my Visa Application in. So, I arrived at town, just on 08h and met the Old Man at Baby G’s in Thibault Square. He arrived a bit late, and we had a good enough breakfast. I arrived in the queue – there was already one other guy there – at 08h50, and as I looked around, I noticed the guy had is flight details in his hand. Bugger! I had left my flight details in my car downstairs after having printed them out the night before. I quickly gapped it down to the parking lot, and returned less than 3 minutes later to discover a 6 deep queue at the door. Man, talk about bummed! I did however manage to get through the door as number 4, which was great, as the other 2 people stepped behind me. Hey, their loss, not mine! 🙂

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