Category Archives: Life

General day-to-day living life snippets. Moans, Groans, the usual! :)

The National Public Holiday – Luanda

So yesterday Wednesday was a National Public Holiday. No one however knew about it. The entire country was only informed of this decision at 18h on Tuesday evening on national TV. Classic.

2008-09 - Elections 01

The Elections are Coming! Both MPLA and Unita flags proudly displayed in the capital. The pic is a bit out of focus. 🙁

We were sent an email about it, well I wasn’t, but the BP guys were, and they forwarded it on to me. I then called Maria who would be in the know. It was 22h15, and not too late I thought. Well, I woke her up. I apologised and asked her about the public holiday.

“Yes, it is a National public holiday!” she exclaimed. This as opposed to a normal public holiday?

Well, I landed up going to work as I was in town in the morning to get my work permit sorted out at SRC – that is turning into an even bigger nightmare, but more on that later – and then I had a telecon in the afternoon for another issue, so just decided to do the work thing and catchup with documentation and emails.

Crap, but I got through a lot, so it was good.

The evening was spent at Cais de Quatro, a restaurant on the Ilha on the bay side, which was nice. I ordered the 2400Kz Garoupa fillet with chips. It was pretty good. The entire bill came to 15 300Kz for 3 of us. Bradley (the architect), Steven (the techie) and myself. Yip R 1 500 for 2 guys and that is pretty much the norm. Madness huh!

Well Elections tomorrow, on Friday the 5th. Gonna be interesting.



Easy Going Guy 😉

Loving Living Life