Category Archives: Travels

My adventures in getting away!

Ashton Arrives :( – Luanda – Day 20

Well, Sly woke feeling Hundreds! With the way things had been though, I told him to take the day off, and work from home if he wanted. He was cool with that.

Day 20 - Advertising gone wrong

When your campaigns might not have a big impact. 🙂

I did leave work at 15h though! Yay!

Ashton arrived that afternoon, and I just knew it was gonna end up in trouble. Or should I say a headache?? Well, he pulled through around 18h, and it went downhill from there.

We landed up heading through to Veneza, and invited Ian, one of the BP UK guys one rotation here, to join us. He’s a cool chap and we all got well liquored over dinner. Dinner for 4 with drinks was a mild $333, so approx R2600. NICE!!! That’s what 2 half glass sizes of Johnny Red, plus the numerous Ballantines we had at the casa before dinner, will do to you. 😮

Well, needless to say I don’t really remember getting home, though we did get driven, and I then proceeded to pass out on my bed, without the mozzie net and forgot to take my mozzie pill!

Man, all I can say is that I won’t be doing that again in a hurry! The Hoof Pain is a killer! 🙁



Easy Going Guy 😉