Category Archives: Work

Sly’s 1 is Up! – Luanda – Day 24

Well, Sly’s 1 is Up!What the hell does that mean? Well, the saying here goes:

” What is the significance of 1?”

The answer my friends is: “One more sleep!!” 🙂

Day 24 - Hole in the Road

Pot Hole Protector! This was the hole in our road. The only picture we managed to get of the hole. You can’t actually see much, but it used to have half a top loader sticking out of the top of it. Yes, it was actually about a metre deep and a meter wide. This small tree was put in it after someone nicked the top loader! Quality! 🙂

So, anyway, Sly left and was really happy to be gone. Man, I can only imagine. He was pretty chuffed. OG (Onasis) pulled through to work and was given a warm welcome. he is pretty well know it appears. That’s what happens when you have been here before.

Work is definitely ramping up, and things are picking up. The one thing that is become more and more prevalent is the fact that in Luanda, you have to chase everyone, all the time. My inbox is completely RED! 🙁 Why?? Well everything I get, I have to flag for follow-up, as nothing ever gets done. so I have an inbox that is completely overdue, and all I ever do is spend my entire time chasing things! Not fun at all, and it is really beginning to piss me off! 🙁

Well, off to bed.



Easy Going Guy 😉