Category Archives: Work

Our First “Shop” Lunch – Luanda – Day 11

Today we decided to go out and get our own lunch. After having spoken to Blythe about where he goes, he recommended a SuperMercado – store, very similar to a Seven Eleven / Spar/ pretty much a cafe type shop. He said you could get rolls and cheese and meats and you make your own. So we thought we’d give it a shot.

I was teasing Bradley about why he never bought food off the side of the road, as when we arrived at work in the morning one of the BP guys was chomping down on a really good looking sandwich, and as we left the building for lunch there was a lady with a plastic bucket selling food on the side of the road. It looked exactly like the sandwich he was eating. Brad reckons that he had had the runs here before, when he was sick for like 3 days and there was no way he was going to tempt fate again!! 🙂 He also stated that Freddy’s system was well used to the bugs already. I laughed and said I was quite keen to give it a bash. He warned me, and suggested I give my tummy more time to adapt first!

Well, they had foot-long baguettes, and sliced cheese and sliced ham, and a few other bits and bobs, and we got 2 rolls and a whole lot of cheese and ham and took it back to the office with 2 cokes and a Youki – aka Pinenut. Well, this was considerably cheaper. The entire meal cost us 600 Kwanzas. So 200 each, so about 20 bucks each. Not too bad at all. My Youki was 50 Kwanzas, so R5, and that was very reasonable, and then the foot itself worked out to R15 each. Man, pretty sweet considering we usually pay over R100 per person per lunch!

Well, there was one downfall, we didn’t have a knife. So it was a hand job to get the sandwiches made. It was pretty good actually, so that might become a regular event. Don’t get wrong, the “cafeteria” lunches are good, but I am quite into my “local is lekker” thing. I might even get around to getting a sammie off the side of the road soon! 🙂

Work was good, and I left early to go another meeting. Man, traffic was stupid, surprise surprise, and I got home around 17h15. Just in time too, as man, that foot long was causing about a foot long’s worth of damage to my stomach!! Haha, Brad and Sly will piss themselves when I tell them! It appears my system didn’t handle the food too well then I guess. Well, at least I can say that my system is now getting used to what is on offer here! 😮

Dinner was take away from Aldar, a Lebanese Restaurant, and it was pretty good. 7900 Kwanzas for a 3 person meal. So R260 per head. That’s not too bad! I guess.

Oh oh! Toilet time, second call! 🙁

Gotta go.



Easy Going Guy 😉