Category Archives: Work

My First Issue – Luanda – Day 10

Well today I had my first issue at BP. Not a personal issue, but a work related one. As in a site was down. And for the first time it was truly apparent how on the other side I was. Firstly I have pretty much always been in a technical role. Always getting my hands dirty and breaking and kinda fixing things myself. Even in my last job with my old lady I still pretty much maintained my technical ability. This was now different. Instead of being in a technical role, I was now responsible for the management and resolution of such issues. Pretty weird I gotta admit, but a learning experience never the less, and I think I passed this test. For now. But then again, it was a small issue, so not really worth measuring on.

Day 10 - Heat

Shame, Cape Town’s Hot? Try 34 degrees at 20h36! 21h36 ZA time! Now you know what I mean by heat! Gotta luv the GWM display though! 😉

The one thing that was very apparent was the language barrier. Man, the guys here do speak English – just – but we tend to land up conversing in “Ingleish” – aka Pidgin English. And today it was an issue. Now, I can’t see them improving their English very quickly, why do they need to, as it is their country, so I really need to start improving my Porra! I’ve got a CD pack, with tutorial book – that I received as a farewell present from Mea at my last company – and I’ve got a phrase book and a few other resources that I got off the net, so it’s gonna be fun!

Plus if we’re gonna go to the Rio Carnival next year, early plans with the lads here in the house already, we’re definitely gonna have to get our tongue around the language . . . to get our tongue around! 😉 hehe

Outside of that, Sly got back from the FPSO with a few pics, so I’ll see if there is anything I can put up. Disclaimer and all that shit as you can imagine. He really enjoyed it though, and was blown away by it. But, hey, who wouldn’t be blown away by being on a 12 story high structure, the size of a block, floating in the middle of the ocean?? Amazing!! As always he has received praise all round! Good lad!

Well, that’s me. Out.



Easy Going Guy 😉