Back in Action to get Flat! – Luanda

So, I am back in Luanda, weighing in at a meek 87Kgs. The heaviest I have ever been in my life!! and I thought the bulges I was seeing on my tummy was my six pack developing. It was developing alright! Just not the way I was wanting it to! 🙁

So I have decided that I am gonna put some serious effort now into getting fit and slim for my return to Cape Town in Mid November, so that I can hopefully show off my new build. And not have to squeeze into my jeans and go out and buy more clothes because I am getting fat! Also there is a serious competition developing between the Pharmacist, who is weighing in at over 100Kgs, and myself to be fitter than the other by my return, Friday, November 14th. We’ll see. I’ve got an easier task I know, but he might show more improvement in which case I guess he will get the prize, whatever that is. Maybe a Steers Combo 1! 🙂

So I have purchased a little trinket to help me on my way. A Garmin Forerunner 405, and thus far it is pretty sweet. Really cool. It does GPS Positioning, has a Heart rate monitor strap, and can be tuned for running or cycling, using distance, or purely time. The display can also be customised to display whatever you want whilst training. Distance, HR, Pace, etc etc etc. At a bank breaking R4000 it ain’t cheap, but then when you start looking at the capabilities and you start comparing, you realise it is pretty much a good deal. It has the option of a footpod and bicycle add-on for road running and cycling, and obviously those are extras, but the rest of the features add up greatly in it’s defence. So far I like it, and I will be blogging more of my experiences with it as time goes by.

I’ll also be creating a new category: Fitness, and will add in all my logs and graphs, the application produces graphs for display, so you can see how I am coming on, and offer encouragement . . .  or laugh at how unfit I am!!



Easy Going Guy 😉

Loving Living Life!