WordPress has BROKEN all my Permalinks :(

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I recently upgraded my system, and shortly afterwards it appears that all my permalinks have broken.

I now get 404 permalinks errors for all pages outside of the front page! Not cool! 🙁

I tried changing the permalinks structure to a custom one and away from the index.php/%date%/%postname% I kept gettting, to just a /%date%/%postname%/ link structure, but then I discovered it was broken.

This is a bug in the latest version of WordPress, and appears it is quite wide spread. Just do a search for “wordpress permalinks error 404 index.php” and you’ll see. I have come across a bug trac for it: Error 404 with /index.php/%postname%/ permalink strucutre, but appears there is no official fix for it yet. There appears to be a few ad-hoc fixes, but nothing substantial. Hopefully they’ll have it fixed soon though.

I have reset my structure to default, so =?p…. So, if you have pages linked, please bear with me in the meantime!

Most frustrating!

After deleting the database and restoring it TWICE, along with removing the WordPress directory and re-installing it again and then having to recreate everything again, it has been an experience, and I have learnt loads more about Ubuntu and WordPress. Nice one.

Anyway, currently back in Cape Town, and it is pretty nippy compared to Luanda! Here till Sunday!



Easy Going Guy 😉

Loving Life

– – – – Update – – – –

Just applied a new patch, which made it worse as in it didn’t display anything. Bummed. 🙁